FaxPress Premier WebHelp: Admin Guide > Archiving Faxes > Activating the Premier Archive Service

Activating the Premier Archive Service

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Implementing FaxPress Premier Archive requires three basic steps:

1. Preparing your environment. Make sure that the target workstation the Archive uses to store its files has adequate disk space. If the FaxPress Premier server is used as the target workstation, make sure the Archive does not start to consume too much disk space, which could compromise FaxPress Premier performance. For power users running a high volume of faxblasts, Archive disk space usage can run as high as 12 GB. Using an external storage server, rather than the Premier server itself, is the recommended option.
2. Configuring the Archive service.
3. Starting the Archive service.

The FaxPress Premier Archive can be reconfigured at any time. Anytime the configuration parameters are changed, however, the Archive service must be stopped and restarted.


The Premier Archive service requires network administrator and user account names to use, an Administrator-privileged FaxPress Premier account, and either a Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL database.

Network Administrator and User Names

The Archive configuration will require a network administrator or user account name with full access rights to the directory where the archived faxes will be stored. The Premier Archive service will use this account name to access the target folder and store faxes. The Archive configuration will also require a network user name with read access rights to the directory where the archived faxes will be stored. FaxPress Plus will use this account to retrieve archived faxes for users.

FaxPress User Name

The Archive configuration will also require a FaxPress Premier account name to log into the FaxPress Premier. The existing Supervisor account can be used. If a user account other than the Supervisor account is used, make sure it has Supervisor privileges.

MS Access and SQL Databases and Database Drivers

FaxPress Premier supports both MS SQL and MS Access database types. With Access, the FaxPress Premier 4.0 Archive configuration service will automatically generate a database for the Archive during the installation process. Technically, MS Access does not need to be installed. Castelle does, however, recommend having at least one copy of MS Access 2000 (or newer) available, since "Compact and Repair" will occasionally need to be performed on the Access database created by the Archive.

With SQL, an MS SQL database must already exist. The Archive configuration service will, however, automatically generate tables/data structures within the SQL database for the Archive. For both Access and SQL, the Archive will require appropriate ODBC/DSN database drivers. These already exist on the FaxPress Premier server, but will need to be added on the clients if they aren’t already available. Consult your MS Access or MS SQL database server’s documentation for more information on database drivers.


FaxPress Premier WebHelp
Last Updated: 11/1/2007

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